Tools and Resources

We have a deep commitment to sharing what we’ve learned. EdFuel offers a number of open-source resources to make our work accessible to every organization across the sector.

Our team is lucky to have worked with some of the most innovative leaders and organizations across the education sector. We’ve applied these learnings to to create a number of easy-to-use tools and resources that can be adapted for a variety of contexts.

Check out our collection of materials below to find best practice tips that could be transformative for your personal leadership or for your organizational success. We would love to know how you and your organization are utilizing any of our resources and tools. Share your story by sending us a message or tweeting us @EdFuelOrg!

Tools For Organizations

EdFuel Talent Playook

This practical resource identifies the five key plays capacity-constrained leaders can take to more effectively recruit and retain a high-quality, diverse staff.


    Charter School Compensation Initiative

    Practical guides aligned to each component of the compensation design process, including case studies and ready-to-use resources.


    Selection & Hiring for Charter Schools

    A step-by-step guide for improving selection and hiring processes sponsored by the Indiana Charter School Network and Illinois Network of Charter Schools.


    EdFuel Pay Equity Audit Guide

    A resource to help organizational leaders assess the level of compensation equity within your organization.


    Effective Evaluations for Chief Executive Officers and Superintendents

    The fundamentals, core components, and a sample tool.


    Head of School Evaluation Toolkit

    This collaborative effort between EdFuel and Education Board Partners is an evaluation toolkit that walks boards through how to provide professional, constructive, thoughtful feedback to the school’s leader about their strengths, challenges, and development opportunities.

    DownloadDownload (Word Version)

    Talent Review and Development Process Guide

    A step-by-step guide to help leadership teams evaluate and develop staff in a way that is consistent, thorough, and staff-centered.


    System Leadership Diagnostic Assessment

    A comprehensive diagnostic assessment of leadership and talent development practices for district and charter school networks.


    Best Practice in Network Office Compensation Design

    Research based best practices in designing and implementing a network office salary bands model.

    Download SlidesDownload Model

    National Best Practices: Teacher Recruitment and Pipelines

    Guide to understanding national teacher recruitment best practices, sponsored by The National Alliance for Public Charter Schools and the Illinois Network of Charter Schools.


    Tools For Managers

    Effective Internal Coaching: A “How To”

    Develop the right set of mindsets and skills needed to be a strong internal coach, build a sustainable coaching program, and ultimately retain and grow the talent needed to create and nurture successful organizations.


    Creating a Strong Professional Development Plan: A “How To”

    Best practices, research, and additional tools on how to ensure professional development plans lead to strong results and growth with employees.


    Sample Script: Co-Creating a Professional Development Plan

    A script, including strong examples of coaching, for managers to use as guidance to co-create a professional development plan with their employees.


    Sample 70-20-10 Development Plan

    A completed 70-20-10 development plan with sample actions and guidelines.


    A Guide to Job Embedded Training

    A compilation of research and best practices for effective job embedded professional development.


    Sample Progress Checkpoint Agenda

    A built out agenda that managers can use to guide their check-ins with employees on progress toward professional development plans.


    Coaching Audio Resources